Sidney l'éléphant

Guide des épisodes

01 - Sick, Sick, Sidney  (1958)
02 - Sidney's Family Tree  (1958)
03 - Hide And Go Sidney  (1960
04 - Tusk Tusk  (1960)
05 - The Littlest Bully  (1960)
06 - Two Ton Baby Sitter  (1960)
07 - Banana Binge (vf : Sidney et la banane) (1961)
08 - Clown Jewels  (1961)
09 - Meat Drink and Be Merry  (1961)
10 - Really Big Act  (1961)
11 - The Fleet's Out  (1961)
12 - Tree Spree  (1961)
13 - Home Life  (1962)
14 - Peanut Battle  (1962)
15 - Send Your Elephant To Camp  (1962)
16 - To Be Or Not To Be (vf: Etre ou ne pas être) (1963)
17 - Sidney's White Elephant  (1963)
18 - Driven To Extraction (vf : Le Rhinocéros) (1963)
Provenance :